Jenkins is an open source Continuous Integration tool. Originally started as Hudson in 2004 but due to a dispute in 2011 they forked and continued under the name, Jenkins. It can be used to build software, deploy software, or websites to various endpoints or to run unit/behaviour-driven software tests. So lets start with the installation of jenkins first.
you will get surprise when know that worlds best compaines uses jenkins(compaines like Yahoo, NASA, Linkedin, Git Hub, Facebook, EMC, ebay).
so lets start with the installation first.It's really easy to install a jenkins on a ubuntu machine just need to use few command but as you are installing the package (new software) which will affect all the users of that Linux box so you must have admin access(sudo) or you must have root access
you will get surprise when know that worlds best compaines uses jenkins(compaines like Yahoo, NASA, Linkedin, Git Hub, Facebook, EMC, ebay).
so lets start with the installation first.It's really easy to install a jenkins on a ubuntu machine just need to use few command but as you are installing the package (new software) which will affect all the users of that Linux box so you must have admin access(sudo) or you must have root access
Before we can install Jenkins, we have to add the key and source list to apt. This is done in 2 steps, first we'll add the key.
root@ubuntu.lan:~#wget -q -O - | apt-key add -
Secondly, we'll create a sources list for Jenkins.
root@ubuntu.lan:~# echo deb binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list
Now, we only have to update apt's cache before we can install Jenkins.
root@ubuntu.lan:~# apt-get update
As the cache has been updated we can proceed installing Jenkins. Note that Jenkins has a big bunch of dependencies, so it might take a few moments to install them all
root@ubuntu.lan:~# apt-get install jenkins
And Yes now the jenkins is installed on your local environment.In the next part we will install maven on the sonarqube on ubuntu on the port no the webprobser on client machine ipaddress of jenkins machine:8080 ..