Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Sonar Analysis with Pull request Raise part 2

Hello Guys,
Part - 2
Follow the link https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-jenkins-on-ubuntu-16-04
This link will help you in the installation of Jenkins on the server.
Part -3
Also follow the below link This will help you in the installation of SonarQube.

Install github plugin in the sonarqube and in the jenkins install Sonarqube scanner plugin.

Open jenkins go to manage Jenkins in configure sonar Qube server as shown in figure.

Once the sonar qube is configured now start configuring the github-server in jenkins as shown in figure.

Now lets configure github pull request builder in jenkins.

and Thats it we are done with the integration of github with jenkins now we can configure the job.
which will automatically triggered when you raise a PR(pull request).
Optionally you can also configured Email alert.
That I will cover in the next article.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Sonar Analysis with Pull request Raise part 1.

Hello Guys,

In recent days one of my friend had ask me is it possible that when ever some one raise a pull request in the github repo.
ex. Assume i have  github repo called newrepo. Now whenever some one push his code into my repo I need to validate that code against some bench mark of quality and i also need to make sure that the code is of good quality and If it has any defect then I should get those in github comment on the pull request.
Its has to be done in  steps

  1. Create  a Github webhooks
  2. Generate personal access token with appropriate permissions .
  3.  Create a jenkins Job
  4. setup of Sonarqube
  5. Step up Quality gate for the Project (Optional)  
1. Create Github webhook.

In My case go to URL https://github.com/navneet-rathi/newrepo

Open your repository in that click on settings and in settings click on Webhooks or  goto URL.


Replace newrepo with the name of your project repository.

click on add a Webhook and fill the details of your Jenkins server as shown in the picture.

 This web-hook will send an information about the Pull request  and  to trigger a jenkins job we need to create one more web hook as shown in below screenshot

and Thats It We are done with part 1
In next part  I will setup jenkins and remaining configuration and sonar changes