Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Authenticate Client Computers Using LDAP on an Ubuntu 12/14.04

Hello Guys 

welcome back again now the final touch to our ldap server and its auth.but before that let me refer to my previous blog explaining the setup of ldap server.

I will assume that you have gone through my previous blog and setup your own LDAp server with basic config so lets move ahead

Install Client Packages

On the client machine, you will needs to install a few packages to make authentication function correctly with an LDAP server.
You can install them from the default Ubuntu repositories with the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libpam-ldap nscd
You will be asked a variety of questions similar to the those asked when you were installing the server components.
  • LDAP server Uniform Resource Identifier: ldap://LDAP-server-IP-Address
    • Change the initial string from "ldapi:///" to "ldap://" before inputing your server's information
  • Distinguished name of the search base:
    • This should match the value you put in your LDAP server's /etc/phpldapadmin/config.phpfile.
    • Search for: " 'server','base',array " within the file.
    • Our example was "dc=test,dc=com"
  • LDAP version to use: 3
  • Make local root Database admin: Yes
  • Does the LDAP database require login? No
  • LDAP account for root:
    • This should also match the value in your /etc/phpldapadmin/config.php.
    • Search for: " 'login','bind_id' " within the file
    • Our example was "cn=admin,dc=test,dc=com"
  • LDAP root account password: Your-LDAP-root-password
If you make a mistake and need to change a value, you can go through the menu again by issuing this command:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure ldap-auth-config

Configure Client Software

We have to adjust a few files to tell our authentication files that they can look to our LDAP server for authentication information.
First, edit the /etc/nsswitch.conf file. This will allow us to specify that the LDAP credentials should be modified when users issue authentication change commands.
sudo nano /etc/nsswitch.conf
The three lines we are interested in are the "passwd", "group", and "shadow" definitions. Modify them to look like this:
passwd:         ldap compat
group:          ldap compat
shadow:         ldap compat
Next, we will add a value to our PAM configuration.
PAM, or Pluggable Authentication Modules, is a system that connects applications that can provide authentication to applications that require authentication.
PAM is already implemented on most computers, and works behind the scenes without needing user interaction. When we installed and configured our LDAP PAM module, most of the needed information was added to the configuration files.
Edit the /etc/pam.d/common-session file:
sudo nano /etc/pam.d/common-session
Add a line to the bottom of the configuration that reads:
session required skel=/etc/skel umask=0022
This will create a home directory on the client machine when an LDAP user logs in who does not have a home directory.
We have to restart a service for these changes to be implemented:
sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart


During the LDAP server configuration, we created a group called "admin". This was not chosen at random. It coincides with the "admin" group that is created by default on Ubuntu machines.
The LDAP users that you added to the "admin" group will have access to the sudo command.
This is because we have a line that gives members of the "admin" group sudo access within the/etc/sudoers file. Edit the file by issuing this command:
sudo visudo
There is a line that reads:
%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL
Entries that begin with a percentage sign (%) specify a group instead of a user. If you wish to disable this functionality, or only grant specific users this functionality, comment out this line:
#%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL

Log In as an LDAP User

We have now configured our client machine enough to be able to log in as one of our LDAP users. This user does not have to exist on the client machine.
In a new terminal window (it is best to keep your original terminal window logged in, in case of a configuration mistake), ssh into the client machine using an LDAP user's credentials:
ssh LDAP_user@LDAP_client_IP_Address
You should be able to log in as if your user had been created locally. Issue the print working directory command:
You should see that the home directory you selected for your user on the LDAP server is being used on this machine. It has been created on-demand to serve the LDAP user.
If you log out and log in with a different LDAP user, you can see that there will be two home directory entries:
ls /home
user1  user2
If your user is part of the "admin" group and you didn't disable the ability in the previous section, you will have normal sudo access, otherwise, you will not.
If you issue the passwd command to change your password, you can see that it will be modifying your LDAP credentials:
Enter login(LDAP) password:

Restricting Access by Group

If you only want members of certain groups to be able to log into this specific machine, you can configure that restriction within the PAM files.
Edit the following file with root privileges:
sudo nano /etc/pam.d/common-auth
At the bottom, we will specify that PAM should look at the security access file to see how to restrict user logins. Add this to the bottom:
auth    required
Save and close the file.
The file that PAM references for security information when that setting is configured is at/etc/security/access.conf. Open this file now, with root privileges:
sudo nano /etc/security/access.conf
We need to add a rule to the end of the file.
The dash (-) at the beginning of the line means this is a restriction. From the first colon (:) to the next colon, we specify who this rule applies to.
We specify that this applies to all users except root and the group "admin". Groups are given within parentheses.
From the second colon to the end of the line, we will specify under which circumstances the rule should apply. In our case, the restriction will apply in all circumstances but local logins.
This will allow us to restrict logins to the "admin" group. We can add other groups or change the group.
This will also allow us to log in through the "console access" button on the DigitalOcean console if we somehow lock ourselves out of SSH.
Keep in mind that this will apply to all users, not just LDAP users. So any users you create on the client machine will need to be a member of one of the specified groups

Install and configure LDAP server on UBUNTU 14.04

Hello Guys,

I have trying to install and configure LDAP as its like Active Directory from windows   and the reason I have to configure ldap as We have more than 100+users and 100+ servers so creating a new users or adding a new server and granting access to users on that is really a hectic As i googled I found LDAP  in first few like.So I will not waste your time and lets start with implementation of the same.

LDAP, or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, is a protocol for managing related information from a centralized location through the use of a file and directory hierarchy.It functions in a similar way to a relational database in certain ways, and can be used to organize and store any kind of information. LDAP is commonly used for centralized authentication

Install LDAP

The OpenLDAP server is in Ubuntu's default repositories under the package "slapd", so we can install it easily with apt-get. We will also install some additional utilities:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install slapd ldap-utils
You will be asked to enter and confirm an administrator password for the administrator LDAP account.

Reconfigure slapd

When the installation is complete, we actually need to reconfigure the LDAP package. Type the following to bring up the package configuration tool:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd
You will be asked a series of questions about how you'd like to configure the software.
  • Omit OpenLDAP server configuration? No
  • DNS domain name?
    • This will create the base structure of your directory path. Read the message to understand how it works.
    • There are no set rules for how to configure this. If you have an actual domain name on this server, you can use that. Otherwise, use whatever you'd like.
    • In this article, we will call it 
  • Organization name?
    • Again, this is up to you
    • We will use example in this guide. 
  • Administrator password?
    • Use the password you configured during installation, or choose another one 
  • Database backend to use? HDB
  • Remove the database when slapd is purged? No
  • Move old database? Yes
  • Allow LDAPv2 protocol? No

Install PHPldapadmin

We will be administering LDAP through a web interface called PHPldapadmin. This is also available in Ubuntu's default repositories.
Install it with this command:
sudo apt-get install phpldapadmin
That will install all of the required web server and PHP dependencies.

Configure PHPldapadmin

We need to configure some values within the web interface configuration files before trying it out.
Open the configuration file with root privileges:
sudo nano /etc/phpldapadmin/config.php
Search for the following sections and modify them accordingly.
Change the red value to the way you will be referencing your server, either through domain name or IP address.
For the next part, you will need to reflect the same value you gave when asked for the DNS domain name when we reconfigured "slapd".
You will have to convert it into a format that LDAP understands by separating each domain component. Domain components are anything that is separated by a dot.
These components are then given as values to the "dc" attribute.
For instance, if your DNS domain name entry was "", LDAP would need to see "dc=imaginary,dc=lalala,dc=com". Edit the following entry to reflect the name you selected (ours is "" as you recall):
The next value to modify will use the same domain components that you just set up in the last entry. Add these after the "cn=admin" in the entry below:
Search for the following section about the "hidetemplatewarning" attribute. We want to uncomment this line and set the value to "true" to avoid some annoying warnings that are unimportant.
$config->custom->appearance['hide_template_warning'] = true;
Save and close the file.

Log Into the Web Interface

You can access by going to your domain name or IP address followed by "/phpldapadmin" in your web browser:
PHPldapadmin inital screen
Click on the "login" link on the left-hand side.
You will receive a login prompt. The correct Login DN (distinguished name) should be pre-populated if you configured PHPldapadmin correctly. In our case, this would be "cn=admin,dc=test,dc=com".
PHPldapadmin login
Enter the password you selected during our slapd configuration.
You will be presented with a rather sparse interface initially.
PHPldapadmin logged in
If you click on the "plus" next to the domain components (dc=test,dc=com), you will see the admin login we are using.
PHPldapadmin admin entry

Add Organizational Units, Groups, and Users

LDAP is very flexible. You can create hierarchies and relationships in many different ways, depending on what kind of information you need accessible and what kind of use case you have.
We will create some basic structure to our information and then populate it with information.

Create Organizational Units

First, we will create some categories of information where we will place the later information. Because this is a basic setup, we will only need two categories: groups and users.
Click on the "Create new entry here" link on the left-hand side.
Here, we can see the different kinds of entries we can create.
LDAP object selection
Because we are only using this as an organizational structure, rather than an information-heavy entry, we will use the "Generic: Organizational Unit" template.
We will be asked to create a name for our organizational unit. Type "groups":
LDAP groups name
We will then need to commit the changes.
LDAP commit ou
When this is complete, we can see a new entry on the left-hand side.
LDAP ou groups
We will create one more organizational structure to get ourselves going. Repeat the procedure, but this time, use the name "users".
When you are done, you should have something that looks like this:
LDAP ou complete

Create Groups

We will be creating three different groups that could be used to organize users into different "access" groups based on the privileges they require.
We will create an "admin" group, an "irc" group, and a "user" group. We could then allow members of different groups to authenticate if we set up client LDAP authentication.
We want to create the groups within the "groups" organizational unit. Click on the "groups" category we created. In the main pane, click on the "Create a child entry" within the groups category.
LDAP child of groups
This time, we will choose the "Generic: Posix Group" category.
LDAP posix group
Fill in "admin" as the group name. Click "Create Object" and then confirm on the next page.
LDAP admin group
Repeat the process, but simply replace the "admin" name with "irc" and "user". Be sure to re-click the "ou=groups" entry before creating child entries, or else you may create entries under the wrong category.
You should now have three groups in the left-hand panel:
LDAP three groups
You can see an overview of the entries in the "ou=groups" category by clicking on that entry, and then clicking on "View 3 children":
LDAP view three children

Create Users

Next, we will create users to put in these groups. Start by clicking the "ou=users" category. Click on "Create a child entry".
We will choose "Generic: User Account" for these entries.
LDAP user account
While adding a user you can face a tipical problem like there is no textbox for password and instate of textbox there is some error message some thing like this:
"Error trying to get a non-existant value (appearance,password_hash)"
 solution to this problem is as below:
replace password_hash with password_hash_custom which is in  /usr/share/phpldapadmin/lib/TemplateRender.php file on line no 2469  and reload the page
We will be given a lot of fields to fill out:
LDAP user fields
Fill in all of the entries with information that makes sense for your user.
Something to keep in mind is that the "Common Name" needs to be unique for each entry in a category. So you may want to use a username format instead of the default "FirstName LastName" that is auto-populated.
Click "Create Object" at the bottom and confirm on the following page.
To create additional users, we will take advantage of the ability to copy entries.
Click on the user you just created in the left-hand panel. In the main pane, click "Copy or move this entry":
LDAP copy user entry
Adjust the "cn=user" portion of the entry to point it to the common name you'd like to use for the new entry. Click "Copy" at the bottom:
LDAP copy common name
You will be given the next page populated with your first users data. You will need to adjust it to match the new users information.
Be sure to adjust the uidNumber. Click the "Create Object" button at the bottom.

Add Users to Groups

We can add users to various groups by clicking on the group in question. In the main pane, select "Add new attribute":
LDAP add new attribute
Select "memberUid" from the drop down menu:
LDAP memberuid entry menu
In the text field that populates, enter the first user you'd like to add. Click "Update Object" at the bottom:
LDAP add user2
You can then add more members by clicking "modify group members" and selecting them from the available choices:
LDAP user choices

I will explane how to use it in next blog which also quite easy.

Thank you guys I will appriciate your feed back if you find any error please let me know .

Saturday, August 8, 2015

self-signed ssl-client-authentication

Hello guys,
welcome back on my blog so lets get start with the stuff.

SSL’s primary function on the Internet is to facilitate encryption and trust that allows a web browser to validate the authenticity of a web site. However, SSL works the other way around too – client SSL certificates can be used to authenticate a client to the web server. Think SSH public/private key pairs, if that is familiar to you. In this blog post I will outline the steps to create a certificate authority certificate, sign a server certificate and install it in Apache, and create a client cert in a format used by web browsers.

Generate a certificate authority (CA) cert

The first step is to generate a CA certificate. This CA certificate does not need to be generated on your web server – it can sit on whatever machine you will use to generate SSL certificates. Once created, the CA cert will act as the trusted authority for both your server and client certs. It is the equivalent of the Verisign or Comodos in the real world of SSL, however you wouldn’t want to use your CA cert for a major public website as its trust isn’t going to be built into browsers everywhere.

Generate your CA certificate using this command:

openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -keyform PEM -keyout ca.key -x509 -days 3650 -outform PEM -out ca.cer

Then keep them secret – keep them safe. If someone were to get a hold of these files they would be able to generate server and client certs that would be trusted by our web server as it will be configured below

Generate your Apache server SSL key and certificate.

Now that we have our CA cert, we can generate the SSL certificate that will be used by Apache.
  1. Generate a server private key.
    openssl genrsa -out server.key 4096
  2. Use the server private key to generate a certificate generation request.
    openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.req
  3. Use the certificate generation request and the CA cert to generate the server cert.
    openssl x509 -req -in server.req -CA ca.cer -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 100 -extensions server -days 1460 -outform PEM -out server.cer
  4. Clean up – now that the cert has been created, we no longer need the request.
    rm server.req

Install the server certificate in Apache

My server is running Ubuntu 12.04.4 so all paths and commands referenced here are for that operating system.
  1. Copy the CA cert to a permanent place. We’ll need to specify our CA cert in Apache since it is a self generated CA and not one that is included in operating systems everywhere.
    cp ca.cer /etc/ssl/certs/
  2. Copy the server cert and private key to permanent place.
    cp server.cer /etc/ssl/certs/server.crt
    cp server.key /etc/ssl/private/server.key
  3. Activate the SSL module in Apache.
    a2enmod ssl
  4. Activate the SSL site in Apache and disable the HTTP site.
    a2ensite default-ssl
    a2dissite default
  5. Edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default-ssl (the config file for the SSL enabled site) and add:
    SSLCACertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca.cer
    SSLCertificateFile    /etc/ssl/certs/server.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/server.key
    SSLVerifyClient require  #This is IMP line to make the thing work
  6. Apply the config in Apache.
    service apache2 restart

    Generate a client SSL certificate

    1. Generate a private key for the SSL client.
      openssl genrsa -out client.key 4096
    2. Use the client’s private key to generate a cert request.
      openssl req -new -key client.key -out client.req
    3. Issue the client certificate using the cert request and the CA cert/key.
      openssl x509 -req -in client.req -CA ca.cer -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 101 -extensions client -days 365 -outform PEM -out client.cer
    4. Convert the client certificate and private key to pkcs#12 format for use by browsers.
      openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey client.key -in client.cer -out client.p12
    5. Clean up – remove the client private key, client cert and client request files as the pkcs12 has everything needed.
      rm client.key client.cer client.req
    Looks like a pretty similar process to generating a server certificate, huh?
    Lastly, import the .p12 file into your browser. On Windows you can double click the file to import into the operating system’s keystore that will be used by IE and Chrome. For Firefox, open the Options -> Advanced -> Certificates -> View Certificates -> Your Certificates and import the certificate.
    Now, visit your website with the browser where you imported the client certificate. You’ll likely be prompted for which client certificate to use – select it. Then you’ll be authenticated and allowed in!
Right now if you visit your https site, you will get an SSL error similar to “SSL peer was unable to negotiate an acceptable set of security parameters.” That is good – it means your site won’t accept a connection unless your browser is using a trusted client cert. We’ll generate one now.
as you can see in the below screen you will be only able to access the containt if you have the client cert.I have make few part dark for privacy..Hope you will get it.. Thanks and enjoy...

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Install HipHop Virtual Machine on Ubuntu 14.04

Hello Guys,
Yesterday during a conversation  with my old friend I come across a  about the HHVM server. so I started looking for it. and as an Linux Administrator I want to know how I can install this and configure this. So here is a procedure.
steps required to install HHVM on Ubuntu 14.04 
The article will also illustrate how HHVM can be used by creating:
  1. A command line 'Hello World' script in PHP
  2. A web based 'Hello World' script written in PHP and served by the HHVM server


The only prerequisite for this tutorial is a VPS with Ubuntu 14.04 x64 installed. Note that HHVM doesn't support any 32 bit operating system and they have no plans to add support for 32 bit operating systems.

What is HHVM?

HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM) is a virtual machine developed and open sourced by Facebook to process and execute programs and scripts written in PHP. Facebook developed HHVM because the regular Zend+Apache combination isn't as efficient to serve large applications built in PHP.
According to their website, HHVM has realized over a 9x increase in web request throughput and over a5x reduction in memory consumption for Facebook compared with the Zend PHP engine + APC (which is the current way of hosting a large majority of PHP applications).

Installing HHVM

Installing HHVM is quite straightforward and shouldn't take more than a few minutes. Executing the following 4 commands from the command line will have HHVM installed and ready:
sudo -i && wget -O - | apt-key add -
echo deb trusty main | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hhvm.list
apt-get update
apt-get install hhvm
To confirm that HHVM has been installed, type the following command:
hhvm --help
Integrating your HHVM with existing infrastructure well HHVM  stop supporting the build in web-server so we need to integrate it with apache2 or with NGINX two most popular web servers.

Using HHVM in the FastCGI Mode

Starting with version 3.0, HHVM can no longer be used in the server mode. This section will help you configure HHVM in the FastCGI mode with the Apache and Nginx servers.

With Apache

Configuring HHVM to work in the FastCGI mode with Apache is extremely simple. All you need to do is execute the following following script:
Running this script configures Apache to start using HHVM to process the PHP code. It'll also restart the Apache server so you don't have to do anything else.

With Nginx

If you are using Nginx with PHP-FPM, you'll have to modify the configuration file to disable the use of PHP-FPM. This file is normally located at /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
Look for the following section and make sure it's all commented (by adding a # at the beginning of each line)
# pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on
#location ~ \.php$ {
#       fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
#       # NOTE: You should have "cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0;" in php.ini
#       # With php5-cgi alone:
#       fastcgi_pass;
#       # With php5-fpm:
#       fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
#       fastcgi_index index.php;
#       include fastcgi_params;
After doing this, execute the following script:
after execting the script we need to make a small change in file  /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/hhvm_proxy_fcgi.conf. replance the exesting line 
ProxyPassMatch ^/(.+\.(hh|php)(/.*)?)$ fcgi://$1
ProxyPassMatch ^/(.+\.(hh|php)(/.*)?)$ fcgi://$1e 
and we are done start the apache web server
Executing this script configures Nginx to start using HHVM to process the PHP code. It'll also restart the Nginx server so you don't have to do anything else.

Confirming that Apache/Nginx is Using HHVM

After you have configured your server to start using HHVM, it's always a good idea to confirm that the server (Apache or Nginx) is indeed using HHVM to process PHP.
You can do this by creating a test PHP file, let's say info.php and putting it in the public folder of your server (typically /var/www/html for Apache and /usr/share/nginx/html for Nginx). Now put the following content in this file:

echo  defined('HHVM_VERSION')?'Using HHVM':'Not using HHVM';
Now if everything is set up fine, when you access this file in the browser, you should see the following message:
Using HHVM

Important Note

HHVM has incorporated a lot of commonly used PHP extensions, making it easy to port a large number of applications without much fuss. However, if an application uses a PHP extension that hasn't been incorporated yet, choosing HHVM will break the application. The complete list of PHP extensions that have been ported over to HHVM can be found here

Sunday, July 19, 2015

AWS boto ..getting started

Hello Guys,
I have recently started working with aws boto .so i thought lets also make some program and share it with you hope this  will help you.

# /usr/bin/python2.7
# copyleft free software

import boto.ec2
import sys
import os
import subprocess

from boto.ec2.connection import EC2Connection
# specify AWS keys
auth = {"aws_access_key_id": "<aws_user_keyid>", "aws_secret_access_key": "<aws_access_key>"}

def main():
    # read arguments from the command line and
    # check whether at least two elements were entered
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "Usage: python {start|stop|launch|copy|list} argument\n"
action = sys.argv[1]
    if action == "start":
    elif action == "stop":
    elif action == "launch":
    elif action == "copy":
    elif action == "list":
    print "Usage: python {start|stop|launch|copy|list} argument\n"

def launchInstance(instance_id):
    print "launching a new instance"

    # change "eu-west-1 region if different"
ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region("eu-west-1",**auth)
dev_sda1 = boto.ec2.blockdevicemapping.EBSBlockDeviceType()
dev_sda1.size = 25 # size in Gigabytes
bdm = boto.ec2.blockdevicemapping.BlockDeviceMapping()
bdm['/dev/sda1'] = dev_sda1
        my_code = """#!/bin/bash
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

    except Exception, e1:
error1 ="Error1: %s" % str(e1)
    #Change Instance ID
        print "instance id is accepted using function %s " % instance_id
      #  sys.exit(0)

        instance = ec2.run_instances(image_id=instance_id,instance_type="m3.medium",key_name="<aws_key_name>",security_group_ids=['<group_id>'],subnet_id="<subnet_id>", instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior='stop',block_device_map=bdm,user_data = my_code)

    except Exception, e2:
        error2 = "Error2: %s" % str(e2)

def startInstance(imageid):
    print "Starting the instance..."

    # change "eu-west-1" region if different
        ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region("eu-west-1", **auth)

    except Exception, e1:
        error1 = "Error1: %s" % str(e1)

    # change instance ID appropriately

    except Exception, e2:
        error2 = "Error2: %s" % str(e2)

def stopInstance(imageid):
    print "Stopping the instance..."

        ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region("eu-west-1", **auth)

    except Exception, e1:
        error1 = "Error1: %s" % str(e1)


    except Exception, e2:
        error2 = "Error2: %s" % str(e2)

def copyInstance(imageid):
    print "Copying  the instance..."

        ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region("eu-west-1", **auth)

    except Exception, e1:
        error1 = "Error1: %s" % str(e1)

        ec2.copy_image("ap-southeast-1", imageid, name=imageid)
    except Exception, e2:
        error2 = "Error2: %s" % str(e2)

def listAMI():

    # change "eu-west-1" region if different
          ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region("eu-west-1", **auth)
          print "connected"
    except Exception, e1:
          error1 = "Error1: %s" % str(e1)

        images = ec2.get_all_images(filters={'owner-id': '<aws_account_no>'})
for img in images:
          # a = str(img.location)
#           print(
            print "%s ,%s \n" %(, imgname)
          # print(img.__dict__)
    except Exception, e2:
        error2 = "Error2: %s" % str(e2)

if __name__ == '__main__':