Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Install OpenERP From Source

Hello Guys,

Welcome Back on my blog Today I will tell you about install OpenERP  from source as its most recommended   for production environment as an administrator we must know it.As This is the most stable way to install OpenERP.

Step 1. Build your server
I install just the bare minimum from the install routine (you may want to install the openssh-server during the install procedure or install subsequently depending on your needs).

After the server has restarted for the first time I install the openssh-server package (so we can connect to it remotely) and denyhosts to add a degree of brute-force attack protection. There are other protection applications available: I’m not saying this one is the best, but it’s one that works and is easy to configure and manage. If you don’t already, it’s also worth looking at setting up key-based ssh access, rather than relying on passwords. This can also help to limit the potential of brute-force attacks.
[NB: This isn't a How To on securing your server...]

#sudo apt-get install openssh-server denyhosts

Now make sure your server has all the latest versions & patches by doing an update:

#sudo apt-get update
#sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Although not always essential it’s probably a good idea to reboot your server now and make sure it all comes back up and you can login via ssh.

Now we’re ready to start the OpenERP install.

Step 2. Create the OpenERP user that will own and run the application

#sudo adduser --system --home=/opt/openerp --group openerp -s /bin/bash

This is a “system” user. It is there to own and run the application, it isn’t supposed to be a person type user with a login etc. In Ubuntu, a system user gets a UID below 1000, has no shell (it’s actually /bin/false) and has logins disabled. Note that I’ve specified a “home” of /opt/openerp, this is where the OpenERP server code will reside and is created automatically by the command above. The location of the server code is your choice of course, but be aware that some of the instructions and configuration files below may need to be altered if you decide to install to a different location.

[Note: If you want to run multiple versions of OpenERP on the same server, the way I do it is to create multiple users with the correct version number as part of the name, e.g. openerp70, openerp61 etc. If you also use this when creating the Postgres users too, you can have full separation of systems on the same server. I also use similarly named home directories, e.g. /opt/openerp70, /opt/openerp61 and config and start-up/shutdown files. You will also need to configure different ports for each instance or else only the first will start.]

This will su your current terminal login to the openerp user (the “-” between su and openerp is correct) and use the shell /bin/bash. When this command is run you will be in openerp’s home directory: /opt/openerp.

When you have done what you need you can leave the openerp user’s shell by typing exit.

Step 3. Install and configure the database server, PostgreSQL

#sudo apt-get install postgresql

Then configure the OpenERP user on postgres:

First change to the postgres user so we have the necessary privileges to configure the database.

#sudo su - postgres

Now create a new database user. This is so OpenERP has access rights to connect to PostgreSQL and to create and drop databases. Remember what your choice of password is here; you will need it later on:

#createuser --createdb --username postgres --no-createrole --no-superuser --pwprompt openerp

Finally exit from the postgres user account:


Step 4. Install the necessary Python libraries for the server

#sudo apt-get install python-dateutil python-docutils python-feedparser python-gdata \
python-jinja2 python-ldap python-libxslt1 python-lxml python-mako python-mock python-openid \
python-psycopg2 python-psutil python-pybabel python-pychart python-pydot python-pyparsing \
python-reportlab python-simplejson python-tz python-unittest2 python-vatnumber python-vobject \
python-webdav python-werkzeug python-xlwt python-yaml python-zsi

With that done, all the dependencies for installing OpenERP 7.0 are now satisfied (note that there are some new packages required since 6.1).

Step 5. Install the OpenERP server
I tend to use wget for this sort of thing and I download the files to my home directory.

Make sure you get the latest version of the application: at the time of writing this it’s 7.0. I got the download links from their download pages (note there are also deb, rpm and exe builds in this area too). There isn’t a static 7.0 release tarball as such anymore, but there is a nightly build of the 7.0 source tree which should be just as good and will contain patches as and when things get fixed. The link below is to the source tarball for the 7.0 branch.

Note: As an alternative method of getting the code onto your server, Jerome added a very useful comment showing how to get it straight from launchpad. Thanks!

#wget http://nightly.openerp.com/7.0/nightly/src/openerp-7.0-latest.tar.gz

Now install the code where we need it: cd to the /opt/openerp/ directory and extract the tarball there.

#cd /opt/openerp
#sudo tar xvf ~/openerp-7.0-latest.tar.gz

Next we need to change the ownership of all the the files to the OpenERP user and group we created earlier.

#sudo chown -R openerp: openerp

And finally, the way I have done this is to copy the server directory to something with a simpler name so that the configuration files and boot scripts don’t need constant editing (I called it, rather unimaginatively, server). I started out using a symlink solution, but I found that when it comes to upgrading, it seems to make more sense to me to just keep a copy of the files in place and then overwrite them with the new code. This way you keep any custom or user-installed modules and reports etc. all in the right place.

#sudo cp -a openerp-7.0 server

As an example, should OpenERP 7.0.1 come out soon, I can extract the tarballs into /opt/openerp/ as above. I can do any testing I need, then repeat the copy command so that the modified files will overwrite as needed and any custom modules, report templates and such will be retained. Once satisfied the upgrade is stable, the older 7.0 directories can be removed if wanted.

That’s the OpenERP server software installed. The last steps to a working system is to set up the configuration file and associated boot script so OpenERP starts and stops automatically when the server itself stops and starts.

Step 6. Configuring the OpenERP application
The default configuration file for the server (in /opt/openerp/server/install/) is actually very minimal and will, with only one small change work fine so we’ll simply copy that file to where we need it and change it’s ownership and permissions:

#sudo cp /opt/openerp/server/install/openerp-server.conf /etc/
#sudo chown openerp: /etc/openerp-server.conf
#sudo chmod 640 /etc/openerp-server.conf

The above commands make the file owned and writeable only by the openerp user and group and only readable by openerp and root.

To allow the OpenERP server to run initially, you should only need to change one line in this file. Toward to the top of the file change the line db_password = False to the same password you used back in step 3. Use your favourite text editor here. I tend to use nano, e.g.

#sudo vim /etc/openerp-server.conf

One other line we might as well add to the configuration file now, is to tell OpenERP where to write its log file. To complement my suggested location below add the following line to the openerp-server.conf file:

#logfile = /var/log/openerp/openerp-server.log

Once the configuration file is edited and saved, you can start the server just to check if it actually runs.

#sudo su - openerp -s /bin/bash 

If you end up with a few lines eventually saying OpenERP is running and waiting for connections then you are all set.

The Ubuntu 12.04 packaged version of the python gdata client library is not quite recent enough, so to install a more up-to-date version I did the following (exit from the openerp user’s shell if you are still in it first):

#sudo apt-get install python-pip
#sudo pip install gdata --upgrade

Going back and repeating the commands to start the server resulted in no further warnings

#sudo su - openerp -s /bin/bash

If there are errors, you’ll need to go back and find out where the problem is.

Otherwise simply enter CTL+C to stop the server and then exit to leave the openerp user account and go back to your own shell.

Step 7. Installing the boot script
For the final step we need to install a script which will be used to start-up and shut down the server automatically and also run the application as the correct user. There is a script you can use in /opt/openerp/server/install/openerp-server.init but this will need a few small modifications to work with the system installed the way I have described above. Here’s a link to the one I’ve already modified for 7.0.

Similar to the configuration file, you need to either copy it or paste the contents of this script to a file in /etc/init.d/ and call it openerp-server. Once it is in the right place you will need to make it executable and owned by root:

#sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/openerp-server
#sudo chown root: /etc/init.d/openerp-server

In the configuration file there’s an entry for the server’s log file. We need to create that directory first so that the server has somewhere to log to and also we must make it writeable by the openerp user:

#sudo mkdir /var/log/openerp
#sudo chown openerp:root /var/log/openerp

Step 8. Testing the server
To start the OpenERP server type:

#sudo /etc/init.d/openerp start

You should now be able to view the logfile and see that the server has started.

#less /var/log/openerp/openerp-server.log

If there are any problems starting the server you need to go back and check. There’s really no point ploughing on if the server doesn’t start…

Here is the file which you need to copy paste in /etc/init.d/openerp


# Provides:             openerp-server
# Required-Start:       $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop:        $remote_fs $syslog
# Should-Start:         $network
# Should-Stop:          $network
# Default-Start:        2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:         0 1 6
# Short-Description:    Enterprise Resource Management software
# Description:          Open ERP is a complete ERP and CRM software.


# Specify the user name (Default: openerp).

# Specify an alternate config file (Default: /etc/openerp-server.conf).

# pidfile

# Additional options that are passed to the Daemon.

[ -x $DAEMON ] || exit 0
[ -f $CONFIGFILE ] || exit 0

checkpid() {
    [ -f $PIDFILE ] || return 1
    pid=`cat $PIDFILE`
    [ -d /proc/$pid ] && return 0
    return 1

case "${1}" in
                echo -n "Starting ${DESC}: "

                start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile ${PIDFILE} \
                        --chuid ${USER} --background --make-pidfile \
                        --exec ${DAEMON} -- ${DAEMON_OPTS}

                echo "${NAME}."

                echo -n "Stopping ${DESC}: "

                start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile ${PIDFILE} \

                echo "${NAME}."

                echo -n "Restarting ${DESC}: "

                start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile ${PIDFILE} \
                sleep 1

                start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile ${PIDFILE} \
                        --chuid ${USER} --background --make-pidfile \
                        --exec ${DAEMON} -- ${DAEMON_OPTS}

                echo "${NAME}."

                echo "Usage: ${NAME} {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
                exit 1



If you want a shell script so let me know ..

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Install Syslog Server (Syslog-ng) on CentOS

Syslog-NG and CentOS 6.x


  • CentOS 6.x (or other Redhat based flavor)
  • Internet Connectivity
  • chkconfig (yum install chkconfig)
  • wget (yum install wget)


Install the prerequisite first.
 # yum install chkconfig wget

Install EPEL Repositories:
  1. Login to your server as root (or su root)
  2. Type: cd /root
  3. Type (Current link as of this post):
#wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6Server/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
 #rpm -Uvh /root/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
#yum repolist
Install Syslog-NG:
 Run update check:
 #yum check-update
To see if this will impact any other software on your system.
Check the availability of Syslog-NG by typing:
yum list *syslog-ng*

Configure CentOS Services, Stop Rsyslog, and Start Syslog-NG:
Disable rsyslog: 
#chkconfig rsyslog off
Confirm rsyslog is disabled:
#chkconfig syslog-ng on

service rsyslog stop
service syslog-ng start
  1. Example Configuration for Syslog-NG:
    1. Add the following to the END of /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf:
      # My Switches
      source s_navneet { 
              udp(ip( port(514));
              tcp(ip( port(514)); 
      destination d_navneet {
      log { source(s_navneet); destination(d_navneet); };
      This will basically take ALL (udp/tcp syslog data and place it into /var/log/navneet. The names of the files are based off the host name and date. For example, if you have switch named MYSWITCH and the current date is May 8th, 2014… the full path and file name would be: /var/log/navneet/nrathi-VBox-20140508.log
    2. *** DO NOT modify any other portion of the file unless you are certain you know what you are doing!
    3. Restart the syslog-ng service to implement changes:
      [root@myserver syslog-ng]# service syslog-ng restart
      Stopping syslog-ng:                                        [  OK  ]
      Starting syslog-ng:                                        [  OK  ]
    4. Delete Old Syslog-NG Files:
    5. Login as root Type:  
    6. crontab -e
    7. Add the following to your crontab file:
# Delete Old Syslog Files
# 3 AM, Every Sunday
0 3 * * 0 /usr/bin/find /var/log/cisco -maxdepth 1 -mtime 90 -name *.log -exec rm {} \;
Change the "90" to your desired number of days.

ClamAV Installation and Scanning on CentOS

  ClamAV open source antivirus engine

ClamAV is an open source (GPL) antivirus engine designed for detecting Trojans, viruses, malware and other malicious threats. It is the de facto standard for mail gateway scanning. It provides a high performance mutli-threaded scanning daemon, command line utilities for on demand file scanning, and an intelligent tool for automatic signature updates

CentOS 6 – 32-bit
rpm -Uvh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

 CentOS 6 – 64-bit

rpm -Uvh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

 CentOS 5 – 32-bit

rpm -Uvh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm

 CentOS 5 – 64-bit

rpm -Uvh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/5/x86_64/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm
After running the above commands for your relevant CentOS version, the following file is created:
The above file can be edited directly to enable or disable the EPEL repo.

2. Install required ClamAV packages
yum install clamav clamd

3. Start the clamd service and set it to auto-start

/etc/init.d/clamd on
chkconfig clamd on
/etc/init.d/clamd start

4. Update ClamAV’s signatures

Note: ClamAV will update automatically, as part of /etc/cron.daily/freshclam.

B. Configure Daily Scan

In this example, we will configure a cronjob to scan the /home/ directory every day:

1. Create cron file:

vim /etc/cron.daily/manual_clamscan
Add the following to the file above. Be sure to change SCAN_DIR to the directory that you want to scan:
/usr/bin/clamscan -i -r $SCAN_DIR >> $LOG_FILE
Give our cron script executable permissions:
chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/manual_clamscan
You can even run the above script to ensure that it works correctly.
And you’re done! That should be the minimum required to
 00 10 * * * * root freshclam 
This command will update ClamAV database at 10 am every day.
Good Luck ....!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Install Mysql 5.5 from source on Centos

To install MySQL from source you need to install some dependencies and tools co compile from source

MySQL released 5.5 version in December 2010. This version seems to be more efficient with improvements like better improved scalability on multi-core CPU, InnoDB storage engine becomes the default engine for new tables or integration of semisynchronous replication. This version is recommended for production environments. It's interesting for administrator to thinking about upgrading. Much systems executes 5.1 version and sometimes the upgrade can be scary ... Here we are going to see how to install 5.5 version on new systems. First we need to install some packages that are needed by MySQL. So installs (or be sure that they all have been installed): bison, bzr, cmake, gcc-c++ ncurses-devel.

# yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'

yum install -y bison bzr cmake gcc-c++ ncurses-devel

Then add new mysql account and group: 

# groupadd mysql
# useradd -r -g mysql mysql

Now we need download last mysql 5.5 tar.gz archive, choose the mirror directly on mysql website. 

wget http://URL_OF_MIRROR/mysql-5.5.16.tar.gz

Extracting tar.gz archive 

tar -xvzf /downloads/mysql-5.5.16.tar.gz

Now go into extracted directory and execute cmake: 

cd /downloads/mysql-5.5.16/
cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/mysql \-DMYSQL_DATADIR=/var/lib/mysql \

Note that I use /opt/mysql for basedir /var/lib/mysql for datadir, you can use others directories by specifing them with 'DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX' and '-DMYSQL_DATADIR' options. When cmake finish to work, we can launch the make . 


Next, if we don't encounter errors, we launch the install: 

make install

Now, we create symbolic links to have mysql commands in shell: 

ln -s /opt/mysql/bin/* /usr/bin/

Assign owner and group:
cd /opt/mysql/
chgrp -R mysql .
chown -R root .
chown -R mysql data

Default database installation: 

scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql --datadir=/var/lib/mysql/

Copy a mysql default configuration file: 

cp support-files/my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf

Copy mysql init.d script and make it executable: 

cp support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysqld
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/mysqld

Now edit this init.d script for customize both basedir and datadir paths: 

vim /etc/init.d/mysqld
## replace

## by

Finally, we can launch mysql server and begin to use it: 

/etc/init.d/mysqld start

and we are done

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Install HAproxy for high performance and HA

Install HA-proxy as load balance in webserver

Hello Guys, 

Welcome back again on my rathinavneet.blogspot.in.

 I will tell you how you can setup your HA proxy in 10 min for high availability from source so that if one of your web server down it wont affect you much.as your other server are working just fine and your company's or clients business is uninterrupted.

          HA  proxy work on transport layer protocol so same proxy can be use for multiple application.
It will server a great like same ha proxy can be used to configure the Mysql server as well as apache web-server or nginx or tomcat and many more.You will also get the statistics of the network in real time look at the image below.

 Look in the image you can see that  its showing the working web-server by green.Stop or not working or not responding web server by red.

Its working as proxy server as well as a load balance.

Lets start with installation and configuration.I am using ubuntu 12.04 as my host machine.
apt-get install haproxy

This will do the trick and install haproxy fro me.
 We also need to enable the ha proxy in init script so edit the following file 

nano /etc/default.haproxy

 enable = 1
Then start with the configuration first of all backup your existing haproxy.conf file to haproxy.back file

mv /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg.back

        log   local0
        log   local1 notice
        maxconn 4096
        user haproxy
        group haproxy
The log directive mentions a syslog server to which log messages will be sent. On Ubuntu rsyslog is already installed and running but it doesn't listen on any IP address. We'll modify the config files of rsyslog later.
The maxconn directive specifies the number of concurrent connections on the frontend. The default value is 2000 and should be tuned according to your VPS' configuration.
The user and group directives changes the HAProxy process to the specified user/group. These shouldn't be changed.

    log     global
    mode    http
    option  httplog
    option  dontlognull
    retries 3
    option redispatch
    maxconn 4096 
    timeout connect  5000
    timeout client  50000
    timeout server  50000
We're specifying default values in this section. The values to be modified are the various timeout directives. The connect option specifies the maximum time to wait for a connection attempt to a VPS to succeed.
The client and server timeouts apply when the client or server is expected to acknowledge or send data during the TCP process. HAProxy recommends setting the client and server timeouts to the same value.
The retries directive sets the number of retries to perform on a VPS after a connection failure.
The option redispatch enables session redistribution in case of connection failures. So session stickness is overriden if a VPS goes down.

On Web-server 1 & 2
Create a file in web-servers called check.txt using command  and we will configure the same in ha proxy to check for the particular file if file found when server is ping that means server is operational.
for HA-proxy and proxy will show it as green in the panel.

listen ApplicationCluster
       mode http
       stats enable
       stats auth nrathi:nrathi123
       balance roundrobin
       cookie JSESSIONID prefix
       option httpclose
       option forwardfor
       option httpchk HEAD /check.txt HTTP/1.0
       server webserver1 cookie A check
       server webserver2 cookie B check
This contains configuration for both the frontend and backend. We are configuring HAProxy to listen on port 80 for appname which is just a name for identifying an application. The stats directives enable the connection statistics page and protects it with HTTP Basic authentication using the credentials specified by the stats auth directive.
This page can viewed with the URL mentioned in stats uri so in this case, it is

a demo of this page can be viewed here.

The balance directive specifies the load balancing algorithm to use. Options available are Round Robin (roundrobin), Static Round Robin (static-rr), Least Connections (leastconn), Source (source), URI (uri) and URL parameter (url_param).
Information about each algorithm can be obtained from the official documentation.
The server directive declares a backend server, the syntax is:
server <name> <address>[:port] [param*] 
  The name we mention here will appear in logs and alerts. There are many paratmeters supported by this directive and we'll be using the check and cookie parameters in this article. The check option enables health checks on the VPS otherwise, the VPS is
always considered available.
Once you're done configuring start the HAProxy service:
sudo service haproxy start
SO the sample configuration file is as follows:
        log   local0
        log   local1 notice
        #log loghost    local0 info
        maxconn 4096
        user haproxy
        group haproxy

    log     global
    mode    http
    option  httplog
    option  dontlognull
    retries 3
    option redispatch
    maxconn 4096 
    timeout connect  5000
    timeout client  50000
    timeout server  50000

listen webfarm
       mode http
       stats enable
       stats auth someuser:somepassword
       balance roundrobin
       cookie JSESSIONID prefix
       option httpclose
       option forwardfor
       option httpchk HEAD /check.txt HTTP/1.0
       server webA cookie A check
       server webB cookie B check 
# and thats it we are ready to go. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Create Your ownCloud with Open Stack

               Creating Own Cloud  System with CentOS 6.5

Hello Guys,
This is Navneet again I will today writing this blog will help you to build your own cloud with Cent OS and open-stack
 To build it its not a rocket science. its simple follow the

I was looking for an easy way to quickly deploy Openstack on my CentOS environment, I found that there are many tools available to accomplish this in Ubuntu but very few for CentOS. Then I found this project packstack, packstack is a utility that uses Puppet modules to deploy various parts of OpenStack on multiple pre-installed servers over SSH automatically using python. I found that Redhat has started contributing to packstack and they have some very good documentation on how to quickly get going. For example, if you are installing an all in one configuration, meaning installing all the openstack modules in one server, you only need to run three commands to get the environment up and running. As of the date of this blog, packstack is only supported on Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and compatible derivatives of both.

[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# cat /etc/selinux/config
# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
#     enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
#     permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
#     disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of these two values:
#     targeted - Targeted processes are protected,
#     mls - Multi Level Security protection.

First add the fedora repo – you can also install from github – and install packstack using yum
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# yum install -y http://rdo.fedorapeople.org/openstack/openstack-grizzly/rdo-release-grizzly-2.noarch.rpm
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# yum install -y openstack-packstack
Configure NTP on the nodes. This is not a must but is a good to have. Install ntp and sync up with your ntp server. I used a public ntp server in my configuration.
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# yum install ntp
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# chkconfig ntpd on
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# ntpdate pool.ntp.org
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# /etc/init.d/ntpd start
Now, since I wanted to make modifications to the default packstack install, I generated a file that contained the install configuration. This file is called “answer file” and I put my configuration preferences in it. I then told packstack to use that file to do the install. This answer file is also used if you need to make changes to the openstack cluster, for example if you wanted to add a node. You would use the same process, make changes to the answer file to reflect that a new node has been added and again run packstack and point it to modified the answer file.
I generated the answer file
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# packstack --gen-answer-file=/root/grizzly_openstack.cfg
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# vi grizzly_openstack.cfg
The answer file defaults to putting all the openstack modules in one node.
I made changes to ensure that my swift node was installed in my compute node running on a UCS B200 blade. I left the swift proxy node in the control node. Node is my compute node and node is my control node.
# A comma separated list of IP addresses on which to install the
# Swift Storage services, each entry should take the format
# [/dev], for example will install /dev/vdb
# on as a swift storage device(packstack does not create the
# filesystem, you must do this first), if /dev is omitted Packstack
# will create a loopback device for a test setup

#The IP address on which to install the Swift proxy service
I installed Cinder in my compute node.
# The IP address of the server on which to install Cinder
I installed nova compute in my compute node. If on a later date I wanted to add a second compute node, I would come make the changes here.
# A comma separated list of IP addresses on which to install the Nova
# Compute services
I also set public interface for Nova Network on the control node to be eth0
# Public interface on the Nova network server
And set the private interface for Nova Network dhcp on the control nodes and private interface of the Nova
# Private interface for Flat DHCP on the Nova network server

# Private interface for Flat DHCP on the Nova compute servers
At this point I was done and was ready to start the install. During the install, you will be prompted for the compute nodes root password.
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# sudo packstack --answer-file=/root/grizzly_openstack.cfg
Welcome to Installer setup utility
Packstack changed given value  to required value /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
Clean Up...                                              [ DONE ]
Adding pre install manifest entries...                   [ DONE ]
Setting up ssh keys...root@'s password:
.. :                                             [ DONE ] :                                            [ DONE ] :                                       [ DONE ]
Applying  [ DONE ] :                                        [ DONE ]
A few 5-15 minutes later the install will complete.
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# nova-manage service list
Binary           Host                                 Zone             Status     State Updated_At
nova-consoleauth hq-openstack-control                 internal         enabled    :-)   2013-05-08 16:32:10
nova-cert        hq-openstack-control                 internal         enabled    :-)   2013-05-08 16:32:10
nova-conductor   hq-openstack-control                 internal         enabled    :-)   2013-05-08 16:32:10
nova-scheduler   hq-openstack-control                 internal         enabled    :-)   2013-05-08 16:32:10
nova-network     hq-openstack-control                 internal         enabled    :-)   2013-05-07 20:56:47
nova-compute     hq-ucs-openstack-compute-node-01            enabled    :-)   2013-05-08 16:32:19
To log in, you naviage to glance on your browser from http://controler_node_ip. Username isadmin. Password would have been auto generated for you when you created the answer file. You can get it by greping for the keystone password
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# cat /root/grizzly_openstack.cfg  | grep -i CONFIG_KEYSTONE_ADMIN_PW
and thats it.

Open go to another system open web browser and type the ip address of machine like .

and you will find some thing like this enter your credentials and enjoy like
user:admin password in my case