Further Testing
Quering recovery process
If you have a live database that processes a lot of data it may
take some time for the replication server to “catch up” There are a few ways to see where it is in the process.
From the slave database server log in as root and run the
following command
> ps -AF | grep post
Here are two more ways to query the database to see what WAL
file it is working on .
From the Master database you can run the following command
> psql -c "SELECT
Which returns something like this
So how do you read this?
If you look in the pg_xlog folder on the main server you would
see files named like this
Now lets deconstruct the E8C/987975C0
That is how the numbers line up and the rest is a HEX offset
within the file (Where within the file it is reading)
Now from the Slave database you can run the following command.
> psql -c "SELECT
Which returns something like this
Primary stop/start
As some further testing I stopped the primary database and
started it back up after a few minutes. (I also stopped and
restarted my python program)
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql stop
sleep 120
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start
The replication database had no problem with this
Replication stop/start
From the replication server I stopped and restarted the postgres
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql stop
sleep 240
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start
No problem with this either
Test Delete from Replication
The Replication server only has read access, let’s try and
From the database on the replication server try and run this
\c nand
delete from data;
Change the Replication server
to a primary server
Warning do not do this in a live system!!! I just did this to
make sure it works…
The recover.conf file defined /home/postgres/failover as the
trigger_file. Create a file here and see if it stops being a
replication server.
Run the following commands
sudo mkdir -p /home/postgres
touch /home/postgres/failover
Now when I log into the database from the replication server and
run the following commands.
\c nand
select count(*) from data;
I see that it is no longer getting fed from the primary database
And I can run the following command
delete from data;
And it can now write to the database.
Also when this occurs recovery.conf was renamed to
Now that the Replication server has become a Primary server you
can’t easily switch it back to a Replication server. Which is it should
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