Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Create Your ownCloud with Open Stack

               Creating Own Cloud  System with CentOS 6.5

Hello Guys,
This is Navneet again I will today writing this blog will help you to build your own cloud with Cent OS and open-stack
 To build it its not a rocket science. its simple follow the

I was looking for an easy way to quickly deploy Openstack on my CentOS environment, I found that there are many tools available to accomplish this in Ubuntu but very few for CentOS. Then I found this project packstack, packstack is a utility that uses Puppet modules to deploy various parts of OpenStack on multiple pre-installed servers over SSH automatically using python. I found that Redhat has started contributing to packstack and they have some very good documentation on how to quickly get going. For example, if you are installing an all in one configuration, meaning installing all the openstack modules in one server, you only need to run three commands to get the environment up and running. As of the date of this blog, packstack is only supported on Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and compatible derivatives of both.

[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# cat /etc/selinux/config
# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
#     enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
#     permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
#     disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of these two values:
#     targeted - Targeted processes are protected,
#     mls - Multi Level Security protection.

First add the fedora repo – you can also install from github – and install packstack using yum
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# yum install -y http://rdo.fedorapeople.org/openstack/openstack-grizzly/rdo-release-grizzly-2.noarch.rpm
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# yum install -y openstack-packstack
Configure NTP on the nodes. This is not a must but is a good to have. Install ntp and sync up with your ntp server. I used a public ntp server in my configuration.
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# yum install ntp
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# chkconfig ntpd on
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# ntpdate pool.ntp.org
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# /etc/init.d/ntpd start
Now, since I wanted to make modifications to the default packstack install, I generated a file that contained the install configuration. This file is called “answer file” and I put my configuration preferences in it. I then told packstack to use that file to do the install. This answer file is also used if you need to make changes to the openstack cluster, for example if you wanted to add a node. You would use the same process, make changes to the answer file to reflect that a new node has been added and again run packstack and point it to modified the answer file.
I generated the answer file
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# packstack --gen-answer-file=/root/grizzly_openstack.cfg
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# vi grizzly_openstack.cfg
The answer file defaults to putting all the openstack modules in one node.
I made changes to ensure that my swift node was installed in my compute node running on a UCS B200 blade. I left the swift proxy node in the control node. Node is my compute node and node is my control node.
# A comma separated list of IP addresses on which to install the
# Swift Storage services, each entry should take the format
# [/dev], for example will install /dev/vdb
# on as a swift storage device(packstack does not create the
# filesystem, you must do this first), if /dev is omitted Packstack
# will create a loopback device for a test setup

#The IP address on which to install the Swift proxy service
I installed Cinder in my compute node.
# The IP address of the server on which to install Cinder
I installed nova compute in my compute node. If on a later date I wanted to add a second compute node, I would come make the changes here.
# A comma separated list of IP addresses on which to install the Nova
# Compute services
I also set public interface for Nova Network on the control node to be eth0
# Public interface on the Nova network server
And set the private interface for Nova Network dhcp on the control nodes and private interface of the Nova
# Private interface for Flat DHCP on the Nova network server

# Private interface for Flat DHCP on the Nova compute servers
At this point I was done and was ready to start the install. During the install, you will be prompted for the compute nodes root password.
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# sudo packstack --answer-file=/root/grizzly_openstack.cfg
Welcome to Installer setup utility
Packstack changed given value  to required value /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
Clean Up...                                              [ DONE ]
Adding pre install manifest entries...                   [ DONE ]
Setting up ssh keys...root@'s password:
.. :                                             [ DONE ] :                                            [ DONE ] :                                       [ DONE ]
Applying  [ DONE ] :                                        [ DONE ]
A few 5-15 minutes later the install will complete.
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# nova-manage service list
Binary           Host                                 Zone             Status     State Updated_At
nova-consoleauth hq-openstack-control                 internal         enabled    :-)   2013-05-08 16:32:10
nova-cert        hq-openstack-control                 internal         enabled    :-)   2013-05-08 16:32:10
nova-conductor   hq-openstack-control                 internal         enabled    :-)   2013-05-08 16:32:10
nova-scheduler   hq-openstack-control                 internal         enabled    :-)   2013-05-08 16:32:10
nova-network     hq-openstack-control                 internal         enabled    :-)   2013-05-07 20:56:47
nova-compute     hq-ucs-openstack-compute-node-01            enabled    :-)   2013-05-08 16:32:19
To log in, you naviage to glance on your browser from http://controler_node_ip. Username isadmin. Password would have been auto generated for you when you created the answer file. You can get it by greping for the keystone password
[root@hq-openstack-control ~]# cat /root/grizzly_openstack.cfg  | grep -i CONFIG_KEYSTONE_ADMIN_PW
and thats it.

Open go to another system open web browser and type the ip address of machine like .

and you will find some thing like this enter your credentials and enjoy like
user:admin password in my case

Friday, January 24, 2014

Create blog using ghost on Ubuntu 12.04

Create blog using ghost on Ubuntu 12.04

You can down load and install ghost on your local or on your existing web-server hosted on cloud.

for you need to download the source code of ghost from the ghost site in my case i use curl
$ curl -L https://ghost.org/zip/ghost-latest.zip -o ghost.zip
then unzip the code using following command 
$unzip -uo ghost.zip -d ghost 
After you successfully extracted Ghost open a terminal, if you haven't already, then:
  • Change into the directory you extracted Ghost to with the following command:
    $ cd /path/to/ghost
  • To install Ghost type:
    npm install --production
    note the two dashes
  • When npm is finished installing, type the following to start Ghost in development mode:
    $ npm start
  • Ghost will now be running on
    You can adjust the IP-address and port in config.js

and we are done.

for production deployment we can use
You can use forever to run Ghost as a background task. forever will also take care of your Ghost installation and it will restart the node process if it crashes.
  • To install forever type npm install forever -g
  • To start Ghost using forever from the Ghost installation directory type NODE_ENV=production forever start index.js
  • To stop Ghost type forever stop index.js
  • To check if Ghost is currently running type forever list
 and most important.you need to use reverse proxy pass settings.

NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName blog.nrathi.com
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
#RequestHeader set "X-Forwarded-Proto" "https"

# Fix IE problem (http error 408/409)
#SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1

ProxyPreserveHost on
and we are done we can access it on the IP address on which we have hosted our blog  it.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Automate Backup Process and Store on AWS S3

  Automate Backup Process and Store on AWS S3

Hello Guys,

This is in fact the problem with most of the system administrator that they want to automate the backup process and want to store there on a reliable and highly available location.
 Location from which data can be retrieve at very high speed if required in case of server crash and production copy lost and they also want to store the data in GBs.

In My case I have around i have to daily backup 100GBs of data from mysql and store it .
so I have used a trick and use a cheap storage but highly reliable.
I come to know about Amazon S3 storage server its very cost effective and highly available through out the world.

Then Second problem i face is interfacing the two systems to work together to solve my problem like automated backup should be done and it should be stored in a particular folder and after certain time it should delete the older one like backup rotation.

SO i have to write a script which create a lazy backup and store it on s3 at the same time it should delete the backup which i have created 7 days back as its not much use full for me.

So I have use s3cmd as a interface between my backup script and Amazone S3.
Installation is simeple no rocket science involved.As i am using ubuntu 12.04

sudo apt-get install s3cmd

i have created amazon account and created credentials etc.

after thet I have write a script to take a backup of all postgres databases.

# set dates for backup rotation
NOWDATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
LASTDATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d --date='1 week ago')
# set backup directory variables
# database access details
# make the temp directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p $SRCDIR
# dump each database to its own sql file
DBLIST=`psql -l -h$HOST -p$PORT -U$USER \
| awk '{print $1}' | grep -v "+" | grep -v "Name" | \
grep -v "List" | grep -v "(" | grep -v "template" | \
grep -v "postgres" | grep -v "root" | grep -v "|" | grep -v "|"`
# get list of databases
for DB in ${DBLIST}
pg_dump -h$HOST -p$PORT -U$USER $DB -f $SRCDIR/$DB.sql
# tar all the databases into $NOWDATE-backups.tar.gz
tar -czPf $NOWDATE-backup.tar.gz *.sql
# upload backup to s3
/usr/bin/s3cmd put $SRCDIR/$NOWDATE-backup.tar.gz s3://$BUCKET/$DESTDIR/
# delete old backups from s3
/usr/bin/s3cmd del --recursive s3://$BUCKET/$DESTDIR/$LASTDATE-backup.tar.gz
# remove all files in our source directory
rm -f $SRCDIR/*

Sanme way I have script for mysql too.

# set dates for backup rotation
NOWDATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
LASTDATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d --date='1 week ago')
# set backup directory variables
# database access details
# make the temp directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p $SRCDIR
# repair, optimize, and dump each database to its own sql file
for DB in $(mysql -h$HOST -P$PORT -u$USER -p$PASS -BNe 'show databases' | grep -Ev 'mysql|information_schema|performance_schema')
mysqldump -h$HOST -P$PORT -u$USER -p$PASS --quote-names --create-options --force $DB > $SRCDIR/$DB.sql
mysqlcheck -h$HOST -P$PORT -u$USER -p$PASS --auto-repair --optimize $DB
# tar all the databases into $NOWDATE-backups.tar.gz
tar -czPf $NOWDATE-backup.tar.gz *.sql
# upload backup to s3
/usr/bin/s3cmd put $SRCDIR/$NOWDATE-backup.tar.gz s3://$BUCKET/$DESTDIR/
# delete old backups from s3
/usr/bin/s3cmd del --recursive s3://$BUCKET/$DESTDIR/$LASTDATE-backup.tar.gz
# remove all files in our source directory
rm -f $SRCDIR/*

#Same script we can use with variations hope you know all it Enjoy..



Friday, January 17, 2014

installing GITLAB on ubuntu 12.04

Creating you own private small Git hub.

To Create a small local github.com for highly confidential projects or for the people who cant effort
to host the project on github.com

You should have a good machine it can be virtually hosted but should have large hard disk (50 GB or 100GB )and  should have average amount of ram to server the contents (512 to 1024MB) will be great and Linux OS(Ubuntu 12.04 server) on top of it and most importent for the installation process to work you should have internet connection on the Linux bit.
Installation process :-

 To Install git lab You should have either of the following command line tools available with you on Linux box.

  1.  sudo apt-get install curl  # curl
  2. sudo apt-get install wget #wget
I will use curl in my case. 

curl https://raw.github.com/gitlabhq/gitlab-recipes/master/install/ubuntu/ubuntu_server_1204.sh | sudo domain_var=gitlab.nrathi.com sh

ones you have fire this rest of all the stuff is handle by this script.  

on your machine from which you want to access this gitlab or if you want to use it in network then make a entry on router or for single you you can use host entry 

if you are using linux as a client machine the 

<ip of linux box> gitlab.nrathi.com.

open browser and type gitlab.nrathi.com and you can see some thing like this.