Hello Guys,
recently i have been asked to get the list of most popular users from github and get the github handle and retrieve the email. and get the output in CSV
many of you think its a typical developers stuff in which we are going to take response and extract the data etc.etc but I have solve the same proble with shell script which i want to share .
read -p "Enter Your language: " lang
read -p "Enter Your location: " location
# for debugging..
#echo $query
#curl "https://api.github.com/search/users?q=$query" |grep -v total_count | grep -v incomplete_results |jq -r '.items[] | .login'
echo "GithubHandle, Email"
for i in `curl --silent "https://api.github.com/search/users?q=$query" |grep -v total_count | grep -v incomplete_results |jq -r '.items[] | .login'`
arr=(`curl --silent https://api.github.com/users/$i/events/public|grep '"email":' | sort |uniq | awk -F ':' '{print$2}'|sed 's/,$//'`)
echo "$i,${arr[*]}"
recently i have been asked to get the list of most popular users from github and get the github handle and retrieve the email. and get the output in CSV
many of you think its a typical developers stuff in which we are going to take response and extract the data etc.etc but I have solve the same proble with shell script which i want to share .
read -p "Enter Your language: " lang
read -p "Enter Your location: " location
# for debugging..
#echo $query
#curl "https://api.github.com/search/users?q=$query" |grep -v total_count | grep -v incomplete_results |jq -r '.items[] | .login'
echo "GithubHandle, Email"
for i in `curl --silent "https://api.github.com/search/users?q=$query" |grep -v total_count | grep -v incomplete_results |jq -r '.items[] | .login'`
arr=(`curl --silent https://api.github.com/users/$i/events/public|grep '"email":' | sort |uniq | awk -F ':' '{print$2}'|sed 's/,$//'`)
echo "$i,${arr[*]}"
This will do the magic
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