Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Setting up the HashiCorp Vault and Ansible AAP AWX integration Part-4

 In this part we will setup a project in AAP and sync that from (github/gitlab) and using that project create job template execute the same.

So lets quickly go to github and create a repo and add a file name password.yml


- name: Genrate and set random password on Remote Servers

  hosts: all

  gather_facts: no


    - name: Check if server are reachable or not


      register: ping_result

    - debug:

        msg: "{{ ping_result }}"


    - name: Generate Complex randome password


        generated_password: "{{ lookup('community.general.random_string', length=12, min_lower=1, min_upper=1, min_numeric=1, min_special=1, override_special='-_=+!#$()[]') }}"

    - name: Write password to Vault using key value V2 engine



        path: secret/data/dev/{{inventory_hostname}}

#        auth_method: approle

#        role_id: ''

#        secret_id: ''



            password: "{{ generated_password }}"

    - name: Setting password for user


        name: "{{ ansible_user | trim }}"

        password: "{{ generated_password | password_hash('sha512', 'mysecretsalt') }}"

So in the  This file will help to setup the password on remote server also update it in the password vault so this way if required we can rapidly change the password without disrupting existing automation.

Also we will write one more playbook to test if password change worked and we can execute the play become and after the password change.This play will show you the output of ifconfig and hostname command.point being we can using the updated password from vault and able to connect 


- name: Debug AAP

  hosts: all


    - name: Running Hostname command to confirm and no funny bussness

      ansible.builtin.shell: hostname

      register: hostname

    - name: Show debug output


        msg: "{{hostname.stdout}}"

    - name: Running ifconfig command to confirm and no funny bussness

      ansible.builtin.shell: ifconfig

      register: ifg

    - name: Show debug output


        msg: "{{ifg.stdout}}"

lets we need to create a job template out in one job template select password.yml and in other select the test.yml also the execution environment will be custom-ee which we have created in the part 3 and Enjoy

we can see in the screen shot as below the execution

Changing/Rotating the Password

Updated Random pass for one of the server 

Able to connect even after changing the pass so no impact to existing automation

We are able to create a zero trust environment .In which we can rotate the password every 60 days if requireed to keep our system safe.

Let me know if on which ansible you want to know more and i am happy to help


Friday, July 5, 2024

Setting up the HashiCorp Vault and Ansible AAP AWX integration Part-3

 So Now lets start with building the required execution environment to use the collections which we need to execute our play we will required below collections

1.    community.general --> To Generate the Random Password

2. community.hashi_vault --> To interact with the HashiCorp vault

So lets get into the action lets Install the ansible builder don't go for the latest one as you may encounter some issues lets go for the one stable release as of writing the blog the the release version i know id 3.0.1 so i am installing the same 

We are installing pip if already not present and then using pip we are installing the ansible builder

# dnf install python3-pip

# pip install ansible-builder==3.0.1

Once the ansible builder is installed lets create some files like 

Note: EE stands for execution environment

Create a directory call EE and go to that directory

# mkdir EE and cd EE

create a first file execution-environment.yml and add following content:

cat <<EOT >> execution-environment.yml


version: 1


  galaxy: requirements.yml

  python: requirements.txt

  system: bindep.txt


  prepend: |

    RUN whoami

    RUN cat /etc/os-release


    - RUN echo This is a post-install command!

    - RUN ls -la /etc


Now lets start create the dependencies which we have specified 

cat <<EOT >> requirements.yml



  - name: community.general

  - name: community.hashi_vault


We have some dependencies for the collections which will specify in the requirements.txt

cat <<EOT >> requirements.txt







If We have some binary dependencies then specify it bindep.txt

cat <<EOT >> bindep.txt

findutils [compile platform:centos-8 platform:rhel-8]

gcc [compile platform:centos-8 platform:rhel-8]

make [compile platform:centos-8 platform:rhel-8]

python39-devel [compile platform:centos-8 platform:rhel-8]

python39-cffi [platform:centos-8 platform:rhel-8]

python39-cryptography [platform:centos-8 platform:rhel-8]

python39-pycparser [platform:centos-8 platform:rhel-8]


One we have added everything we will start building the image using command 

ansible-builder build -v3 -t custom-ee 

Once the image is build we can tag the image 

podman tag custom-ee  aap2.example.com/custom-ee

podman push aap2.example.com/custom-ee

Once we have done with this 

Once we are done with this We can start with the building playbook

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Setting up the HashiCorp Vault and Ansible AAP AWX integration Part-2

 In the Second part lets Start working with the AAP login to AAP and login as a Admin user and go to the Credential Type and click on Add

Create a New Credential called HashiCorp

Input Configuration:


  - id: vault_server

    type: string

    label: URL for Vault Server

  - id: vault_token_id

    type: string

    label: Vault token ID

    secret: true


  - vault_server

  - vault_token_id

And Injector Configuration 

  VAULT_ADDR: '{{ vault_server }}'
  VAULT_TOKEN: '{{ vault_token_id }}'

Its Looks like This

Now Go to Credentials and Create a Credential call hashicorp_token
Enter the values which are associated with the vault 

Now go to inventory and create a Inventory i have created a inventory name hashi and add a host which will look like this just make sure you add the below line in variables

ansible_password: "{{ lookup('hashi_vault', 'secret=secret/data/dev/{{ inventory_hostname }}:password')}}"

We are almost done from host setup stand point in the in AAP all which is remaining is writting a playbook to change the password.

Now lets take a look at setting up the initial password in the hashicorp vault 

login to vault with the taken available in the init file present on path /etc/vault/init.file

Login to UI of Vault and go to Secrets Engine Go to generic inside select the KV

Path : secret 

After the Engine is enable the screen will look like this 

Click on secret and create a paths as per the environment for me its a development environment so i have label it dev and the FQDN or the IP address which we have specify in the inventory

and create a password secret once you build the secrets it may look like this 

As we are done with this part we are almost done We will create the execution environment in the AAP or AWX

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Setting up the HashiCorp Vault and Ansible AAP AWX integration Part-1

 Hello Guys ,

Welcome back to my block couple of weeks back i need to work on a specific client request when they want to change the passwords of all of the server for the automation_user without interrupting the automation and daily operation so they ask me how one can achieve this. They came to me with below problem statement

 So the problem statement like this 

Business own the around 1000 server and

 they want to change the password for the automation user

they want to rotate the password every 90 days and 

there should not be any interruption in the operations 

So I came up with an idea if we have to go through the exercise every 90 days so we have to do it again and again so its best we should automate it so they we don't face the problem again and again and it will keep on doing it in the background 

 So i recommended the we should setup a vault and let the vault manage the passwords(store the passwords) and since the HashiCorp vault is the community driven and open source its of my choice below are the steps i have taken to set it up

Download and Unzip the vault binary on the server

cd /opt/
sudo wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/vault/0.10.3/vault_0.10.3_linux_amd64.zip && sudo unzip vault_0.10.3_linux_amd64.zip -d .   

Copy the binary to appropriate paths on the linux system

sudo cp vault /usr/bin/

Create the config , data, and logs directory so that vault can store the data

sudo mkdir /etc/vault
sudo mkdir /vault-data
sudo mkdir -p /var/log/vault/

 Create the config file with below configs

sudo vi /etc/vault/config.json

Below are the config

Note: here is the ip address of my server

"listener": [{
"tcp": {
"address" : "",
"tls_disable" : 1
"api_addr": "",
"storage": {
    "file": {
    "path" : "/vault-data"
"max_lease_ttl": "10h",
"default_lease_ttl": "10h",

Create a service file to start,stop and restart the service

sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/vault.service

Below are the configs

Description=vault service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/vault server -config=/etc/vault/config.json
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID


Start the service

sudo systemctl start vault.service

Check the status

sudo systemctl status vault.service

In order to connect from command line make the below changes in the bashrc config

export VAULT_ADDR=
echo "export VAULT_ADDR=" >> ~/.bashrc

Check the vault status

vault status

Initialise the vault

vault operator init > /etc/vault/init.file

Access the vault and unseal the same from UI using the keys available in the init.file which is available at /etc/vault/init.file


In the part 2 will cover the integration with AAP and how we can do it...