Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Building A Continuous Integration Server java Project part 1

Building A Continuous Integration Server java Project

For building a continuous Integration Sever we will use Jenkins and supported java libraries.
 Setup Jenkins on ubuntu 12.04 server 

sudo apt-get install default-jdk ant

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo deb binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jenkins

and to upgrade the existing setup

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jenkins
new after the installation jenkins is online on the port no 8080 you can access it using 
in web browser ipaddress of machine:8080 ex. 

you can also convert this thing into a URL for that you need to install apache on the 
sudo apt-get install apache2

and create a file call jenkins.conf as
nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/jenkins.conf
#and add the following line to it 
<VirtualHost *:80>
 ServerAlias ci
 ProxyRequests Off
 <Proxy *>
  Order deny,allow
  Allow from all
 ProxyPreserveHost on
 ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
make the DNS settings or make a host entry on the syatem where you want to access 
the server and we are all set with the basic setup of jenkins

Friday, August 23, 2013

Fixing MySQL Replication-with minimum downtime

Its a very critical task for a system Admin/DBA to fix the broken MySQL replication when the data in the system is crucial and does not afford any type of data loses.

Before starting the following tutorial Please fire stop slave on both the server if you have master master replication on slave server if have master avoid any kind of data loses.                 

mysql>stop slave;

If you are using INNODB as a storage/database engine they its also very critical to fixx the replication bacause though you drop the database from server innodb will never release the hard disk space acquired by the database

Note* before doing any thing Take the backup of all the databases available in the mysql.

ibdata stores all of the UNDO LOGS thus GROWS due to the deletes and space is never reclaimed.

To regain the harddisk space  you need to delete the ibdata file and log file of mysql which are in the /var/lib/mysql

Note* For our convenience we can keep the backup of ibdata and iblogs file 

cp -ar /var/lib/mysql/ib* /tmp/
rm /var/lib/mysql/ib*
service mysqld restart

This process with again regenerate the mysql back with the shrink ibdata file and log file.and mysql will again come up then you can restore all the other databases which are not under the replication.

then take the Mysql Consistent snapshot from the other server(which is having the latest data).
open two terminal and from one login into the mysql
select the database which is under the  rpelication

mysql> use <database name>
mysql> flush tables with read lock;
mysql> show master status;

 Note down the master log file and log position of master or take a snapshot of the terminal.

on the other terminal start taking the backup using mysqldump

#mysqldump -u root -p <databasename> > <databasename.sql>

A SQL dump file get generated and we can copy the file to other server(affected server)

#scp <databasename.sql> <user>@<serverip>:/tmp

after the dump completes fire on first terminal
mysql >unlock tables;
and close the terminal on master.

On the affected server open the mysql and fire 
 mysql >SET sql_log_bin =0;

This will ignore the bin log while restore and You are safe during the restore that data not get replicated from one to another server
then use the restore command  which can be done in two ways.
using the shell and other from mysql

#mysql -u root -p <databasename> < <databasename>.sql
#mysql -u root -p 
mysql> use <databasename>;
mysql> source  <path/to/databasename.sql> 

Note  if my file is in  tmp and database file name as newdb.sql then
mysql> source /tmp/newdb.sql 

ofter the restore please note down the servers master log possition useg command

mysql> show master status;
mysql >SET sql_log_bin =1; # enable the bin log on the affected server

then use change master to command and again re-point the servers

change master to
master_host='ipaddress of master',
master_user='user_having_replication slave_privilege',
master_password='user_password' ,
MASTER_LOG_FILE ='mysql log name of master which we have noted first',
 MASTER_LOG_POS = position no  in log filewhich we have noted first ;

And we have done with the fixing of the server with the minimal down time.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Installing many openerp on same server with different codes

Hello friends

I have created a scrip u just need to u just need to copy paste it and change the permission to be executable and let the script run answer the question asked by script and
you can have a openerp on your system with different names like
 openerp-server,nick-server,navneet-server etc .

#make sure server has all the latest versions
#& patches by doing an update
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
#Install SSH
sudo apt-get install openssh-server denyhosts
#Create User
echo "Enter The Openerp Username"
read user
sudo adduser --system --home=/opt/$user --group $user
#Make Sure that Postgresql is installed on the system
sudo apt-get -y install postgresql
#Creating the user same as for postgres
createuser --createdb --username postgres --no-createrole --no-superuser $user
#Install all the dependencies
sudo apt-get -y install python-dateutil python-docutils python-feedparser python-gdata \
python-jinja2 python-ldap python-libxslt1 python-lxml python-mako python-mock python-openid \
python-psycopg2 python-psutil python-pybabel python-pychart python-pydot python-pyparsing \
python-reportlab python-simplejson python-tz python-unittest2 python-vatnumber python-vobject \
python-webdav python-werkzeug python-xlwt python-yaml python-zsi
#Downloading the Source
cd /opt/$user
sudo tar xvf ~/openerp-7.0-latest.tar.gz
#changing the ownwrship of code so that it can be accessiable to the $user
sudo chown -R  $user: *
echo "owner ship is given"
sudo cp -a openerp-7.0* /opt/$user/server
rm -rf openerp*
echo "openerp is removed"
sudo cp /opt/$user/server/install/openerp-server.conf /etc/$user-server.conf
sudo chown $user: /etc/$user-server.conf
sudo chmod 640 /etc/$user-server.conf
echo "Enter the Port Number on which Openerp will start"
read port
echo "xmlrpc_port=$port" >>/etc/$user-server.conf
echo "init.d started"
cat<< 'EOT' > /etc/init.d/$user
# Provides:             openerp-server
# Required-Start:       $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop:        $remote_fs $syslog
# Should-Start:         $network
# Should-Stop:          $network
# Default-Start:        2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:         0 1 6
# Short-Description:    Enterprise Resource Management software
# Description:          Open ERP is a complete ERP and CRM software.
# Specify the user name (Default: openerp).
# Specify an alternate config file (Default: /etc/openerp-server.conf).
# pidfile
# Additional options that are passed to the Daemon.
[ -x $DAEMON ] || exit 0
[ -f $CONFIGFILE ] || exit 0
checkpid() {
    [ -f $PIDFILE ] || return 1
    pid=`cat $PIDFILE`
    [ -d /proc/$pid ] && return 0
    return 1
case "${1}" in
                echo -n "Starting ${DESC}: "
                start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile ${PIDFILE} \
                        --chuid ${USER} --background --make-pidfile \
                        --exec ${DAEMON} -- ${DAEMON_OPTS}
                echo "${NAME}."
                echo -n "Stopping ${DESC}: "
                start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile ${PIDFILE} \
                echo "${NAME}."
                echo -n "Restarting ${DESC}: "
                start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile ${PIDFILE} \
                sleep 1
                start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile ${PIDFILE} \
                        --chuid ${USER} --background --make-pidfile \
                        --exec ${DAEMON} -- ${DAEMON_OPTS}
                echo "${NAME}."
                echo "Usage: ${NAME} {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
                exit 1
exit 0
echo "conf file is genrated"
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/$user
sudo chown root: /etc/init.d/$user
echo "permission are applied"
sed -i "s/openerp/$user/" /etc/init.d/$user
sed -i "s/peer/trust/" /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf
sed -i "s/md5/trust/" /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf
service postgresql restart
/etc/init.d/$user start
su postgres
createuser --createdb --username postgres --no-createrole --no-superuser --pwprompt $user
echo "restart postgresql"
echo "open erp is started"

After the script ran completely add a user in postgresql with same name as you have mention in the script and you are ready to go.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Pfsense and other availabe packages with that

Hi In the last post i have tell you about the creating the a home based Powerful router having lot of functionality that is Pfsense.
It is having a nice GUI and and having a lot of packages you can install in that

1. It is having a small DNS server
2. Proxy server
3.Network Monitor
4.Realtime Network Graphs of net uses
5. Download and Upload in the last month last week and last year and day

 You can install  all other coll stuff in that you can see that from the
System menu in that packages in that packages option you will find all the packages which you can install in the system in the available packages tab

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Installing Pfsense

Install Pfsense on any old Pc having two network cards (1 for LAN and other for WAN)

1. Download the Pfsense CD from the pfsense website and burn it on the CD/DVD

2. Put the CD in CDROM and boot the computer using CD and you will get something like this.

let it boot in the default mode and it will ask you for the interfaces provide the interfaces for WAN and LAN and any other optional interface if you have or required.

Then connect the LAN interface to your Laptop or your Desktop which you are using and enter the ipaddress of LAN interface which youhave enter by default its

Enter the Ip address in the browser and a setup wizard came and complete the wizard

Enter the Login Details as
User :admin
Password :Pfsense

Your Firewall is all set for home use
In the Next part i will tell you about the bandwidth spiting and other cool stuff about the Pfsense.

Install OpenERP 7.0 on Redhat/Cent OS 6.4

Hi Friends I have Created a Script to install OpenERP on RedHat/CentOS

This is in the following Steps

Step 1 .

Make your system up to date

#yum -y update
#yum -y install man wget vim libevent unzip

# Download additional prerequisites
cd /tmp

wget && tar -xvzf pyparsing-1.5.7.tar.gz && cd pyparsing-1.5.7 && python install

wget && unzip && cd gdata* && python install

rpm -Uvh

rpm -Uvh

rpm -ivh

rpm -ivh

wget && sh

# Install core prerequisistes for OpenERP
yum -y install python-psycopg2 python-lxml PyXML python-setuptools libxslt-python pytz python-matplotlib python-babel python-mako python-dateutil python-psycopg2 pychart pydot python-reportlab python-devel python-imaging python-vobject hippo-canvas-python mx python-gdata python-ldap python-openid python-werkzeug python-vatnumber pygtk2 glade3 pydot python-dateutil python-matplotlib pygtk2 glade3 pydot python-dateutil python-matplotlib python python-devel python-psutil python-docutils make automake gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel byacc flashplugin-nonfree poppler-utils pywebdav postgresql92-libs postgresql92-server postgresql92

#make sure that Postgresql is installed on the system
yum install postgresql

And ofter installing the Postgresql use
service postgresql-9.2 initdb
chkconfig postgresql-9.2 on
service postgresql-9.2 start
This will make you PostgreSQL ready to accept the connection

# Add users for managment and OpenERP. Requires manual input of the password (set to "openerp")
#useradd <name user>
#useradd -e yyyy-mm-dd <mane user>
su - postgres -c "createuser --createdb --username postgres --no-createrole --no-superuser --pwprompt openerp"
adduser openerp
DIR="/var/run/openerp /var/log/openerp"
for NAME in $DIR
if [ ! -d $NAME ]; then
   mkdir $NAME
   chown openerp.openerp $NAME
rm -rf openerp*

# Fetch and install OpenERP
cd /tmp
wget && tar -xvzf openerp-7.0-20130408-232357.tar.gz --transform 's!^[^/]\+\($\|/\)!openerp\1!' && cd openerp && python install
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/openerp-server
cp openerp-server /usr/local/bin
cp install/openerp-server.init /etc/init.d/openerp
cp install/openerp-server.conf /etc
chown openerp:openerp /etc/openerp-server.conf
chmod u+x /etc/init.d/openerp

Starting Openerp as a service

chkconfig openerp on
service  openerp start

# Clear firewall, enabling access
iptables -F
iptables -F INPUT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport ssh -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8069 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 10000 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -j LOG -m limit

Guys now the openerp is production ready you can access it using
in browser http://<ipaddress-of-machine>:8069

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Postgresql Replication part2

Further Testing
Quering recovery process
If you have a live database that processes a lot of data it may take some time for the replication server to “catch up”   There are a few ways to see where it is in the process.

From the slave database server log in as root and run the following command

        >    ps -AF | grep post

Here are two more ways to query the database to see what WAL file it is working on .

From the Master database you can run the following command

        >    psql -c "SELECT pg_current_xlog_location()"

Which returns something like this

So how do you read this?

If you look in the pg_xlog folder on the main server you would see files named like this


Now lets deconstruct the E8C/987975C0


That is how the numbers line up and the rest is a HEX offset within the file (Where within the file it is reading)

Now from the Slave database you can run the following command.

        >    psql -c "SELECT pg_last_xlog_replay_location()"

Which returns something like this

Primary stop/start
As some further testing I stopped the primary database and started it back up after a few minutes.   (I also stopped and restarted my python program)

        >    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql stop
        >    sleep 120
        >    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start
        >    ./

The replication database had no problem with this

Replication stop/start

From the replication server I stopped and restarted the postgres server.

        >    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql stop
        >    sleep 240
        >    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start

No problem with this either

Test Delete from Replication

The Replication server only has read access, let’s try and delete.
From the database on the replication server try and run this

        >    \c nand
        >    delete from data;

Change the Replication server to a primary server

Warning do not do this in a live system!!! I just did this to make sure it works…  
The recover.conf file defined /home/postgres/failover as the trigger_file.   Create a file here and see if it stops being a replication server.

Run the following commands

        >    sudo mkdir -p /home/postgres
        >    touch /home/postgres/failover

Now when I log into the database from the replication server and run the following commands.

        >    \c nand
        >    select count(*) from data;

I see that it is no longer getting fed from the primary database server.

And I can run the following command

        >    delete from data;

And it can now write to the database.

Also when this occurs recovery.conf was renamed to recovery.done.

Now that the Replication server has become a Primary server you can’t easily switch it back to a Replication server.  Which is it should be!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Postgresql 9.1 Streaming replication on ubuntu 12.04 part 1

Setting up PostgreSQL Replication

I have a need to set up a PostgreSQL Replication Database.   In Postgres 9.0+  they have the ability to have a read only replicated database that mirrors the live database, it can lag slightly behind the live database (although in my simple test it was spot on).  The Replication DB can be read from but not written to.  In my particular case I just want to use it as a failover DB that can be brought up as a live DB if ever needed.

Here is set up.  I have two Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 bit servers with postgresl 9.1 installed.  One of these servers will be the primary (master) PostgreSQL server and the other will be the replication (slave) postgres server.  

Set up a test Database :
To do a full test I am going to log into my PRIMARY server and create a new database.  The purpose of the database is for testing. Useful in the last phase.

Log into the DB

        > sudo su postgres
        >   psql -d postgres -U postgres

Create a test user

        >    CREATE USER navneet WITH PASSWORD ‘rathi’;

Create the Database

        >    CREATE DATBASE nanddb;

Make sure it was created by running \l  

Grant navneet privileges to this database

        >    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE nand to navneet;

Now let’s test it quit out of postgres and try

        >    \q
        >    psql -d nand -U navneet

And I get an error 
 The authentication is peer not (md5/trust)

I am trying to log in as navneet but I am logged in as the postgres user. It’s a setting in “/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf “. I failed to edit

Edit the file

        >    sudo vi   /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf


# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all             all                                     peer


# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all             all                                     trust

It will allow all local user to login without password .if you try to login from outside it will ask for password if you create a ssh tunnel no password is needed.

And restart PostgreSQL to take the effect of new settings.

        >    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql  restart  or  >  service postgresql restart

And then log back in

        >    psql  -U navneet nand
This time it worked!

Now connect to the database.

        >    \c nand

Create a simple table that I can send updates to.  The purpose of this table is to test the set-up of the replication server.  The live server should be able to continue getting updates while the replication server is being set up, then it will “catch up”

        >    CREATE TABLE data(
        >      id serial primary key not null,
        >      time timestamp not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
        >      number integer not null
        >  );

This creates a table with a primary key that auto increments, and a time field which will default to the current_timestamp

Run the following command to confirm the table has been created and is working as intended.

        >    \dt
        >    select * from data;
        >    INSERT INTO data (number)
        >    VALUES (34);
        >    select * from data;

OK now that I have set up I need to create a simple program to insert data into this table on some kind of loop.

Writing a simple python program

First I had to install some libraries that python depends on for talking to PostgreSQL

        >    sudo apt-get install python-psycopg2
        >    vi

Here is my python code

#  Simple Script to insert data

import psycopg2
import sys
import time

con = None

    # First get the current maximum
    con = psycopg2.connect(database='nand', user='navneet', password='rathi')
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute('select MAX(number) from data')
    x = cur.fetchone()[0]
    if x is None:
       x = 0

    while (True):
        x = x + 1
        cur.execute('INSERT INTO data(number) VALUES (' + str(x) + ')')
        print 'inserting ' + str(x)

except psycopg2.DatabaseError, e:
    print 'Error %s' % e


    if con:

It will connect, locally to my PostgreSQL database and query the data table to find the largest integer in the number field. The program then increments it by one and inserts the new values (always pausing 1 second and incrementing by 1).

The idea is this is constantly adding data to the database, so that I can confirm that the replication I create works correctly.

WAL (write ahead log) Files

Postgres uses write ahead logging

WAL's central concept is that changes to data files (where tables and indexes reside) must be written only after those changes have been logged, that is, after log records describing the changes have been flushed to permanent storage.”

First let’s go find the WAL files. /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf file under the data_directory field.  In 9.1 its typically /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main At any rate the WAL files are located in the pg_xlog folder within the DB folder

        >    cd  /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_xlog
        >    ls -alh

Here you should see several files that are 16MiB in size with numbers for names.

These are the WAL files.   In the /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf file there is a wal_keep_segments field which is typically set to 0.  If it is set to 0 it means that at least 0 WAL files must be kept in the queue.  More typically are here as the DB needed.   This setting must be increased to assure that the replication database has access to them.

Primary (Master) DB settings

First let’s set up the master DB to be able to allow replications DBs to get the updates they need


First we need to edit /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf

        >    sudo vi  /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf

The following needs to be edited (the approx @line is to show where the typical line number is for this setting)

@line 61
listen_addresses = '*'          # what IP address(es) to listen on;

@line 155
wal_level = hot_standby                  # minimal, archive, or hot_standby

@line 198
max_wal_senders = 5                # max number of walsender processes

@line 201
wal_keep_segments = 128         # in logfile segments, 16MB each;

Here is the “why” for each as best as I have researched.

listen_addresses = '*'       

Listen to any incoming connection. 
wal_level = hot_standby

This must be set to archive or hot_standy .  The default minimal does not put enough information in the WAL files to truly reconstruct the Database.

max_wal_senders = 5              

Sets number of concurrent streaming backup connections.   I think you could get by with 1 if you only have 1 failover server; I just set to 5 because all the other were doing it. 

wal_keep_segments = 128
This will keep at a minimum 128 WAL files.  At the default size of 16MiB that totals 2 GiB.  This is a lot but I want to make sure I do not lose anything on the transfer.


Now edit /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pga_hba.conf

        >    sudo vi  /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf

Add this line to the bottom

host     replication    postgres        trust

This just says to trust the server at, which is my replication server.

Replication Role (First check & do it if Required)

I made a mistake when I first did this I did not realize there is a replication role in the database that must be designated.

When I simply tried to use the postgres user I got the following error.

2012-04-21 08:26:01 MDT FATAL:  could not connect to the primary server: FATAL:  must be replication role to start walsender

I am using the postgres user as the replication user.   To see what the postgres user has run the following command from the postgres database.

        >    \du

Here you can see that my postgres user does not have the “Replication” Role.

So I added the role to my postgres user, most sites I found suggest creating a new user that only handles replication.   I decided to just go with reusing the postgres user.

From the postgres database run this command

        >    ALTER ROLE postgres WITH REPLICATION;

Now run the \du command again

        >    \du postgres

And you should see this

Now it has the Replication role!

Restart the Primary database

From the command line

        >    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart or service postgresql restart

After it has been restarted I kick off my python script. 

        >    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart

I left it running in its own terminal

Then I logged into the Database and did a few quick checks to make sure that data is being constantly loaded into the database.

        >    psql -d nand –U navneet

Then from psql

        >    select count(*) from data;

I ran this a few times to confirm its growing in size.

Copy the Database over to the Replication (Slave) server

My first go at this I screwed it up! .  I thought I could do a simple pg_dumpall from the primary server to the replication server.  I logged into the Replication server and ran these commands.

         > sudo su postgres
         > time pg_dumpall -h -U postgres | psql -d postgres -U postgres

(I added the time command to see how long it runs)

And then after setting up the replication server and restarting it (which I will get into later) the postgres would not start up and I got this error.

FATAL:  hot standby is not possible because wal_level was not set to "hot_standby" on the master server

But I did set it!  So what is going on?

So here is the correct way of doing it.

First shut off postgres on the replication server

        >    sudo su /etc/init.d/postgresql stop

Next log into the primary server and run the following commands

        >    sudo su postgres
        >    psql -d postgres -U postgres

You are logged into the database
Now tell the database you are going to start a backup.  You can still keep using your database as you normally would, there will be no interruption to incoming data.

        >  SELECT pg_start_backup('mybackup_label', true);

From the command line copy your data directory folder from the primary server to the replication server.  In my case the data directory is “/var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main/” (this is set in the postgresql.conf file).  I kept the data directory the same on both primary and replication server.

Here is my command adjust it according to where you data directory is located.

        >  time scp -r  /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main/*   root@

After the database has been copied over run the following command from the psql, this will say the backup is done on the master server.

        >  SELECT pg_stop_backup();

I got this error.  “NOTICE:  WAL archiving is not enabled; you must ensure that all required WAL segments are copied through other means to complete the backup”

I did not set up WAL archiving but I did set up wal_keep_segments, I think this is only a problem if you do not have enough wal segments.   I think I am OK.  Let’s see…

Replication (Slave) DB server settings

Now that we have backed up the database to the slave/replication database, we need to change it to an actual replication database.


First we need to edit /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf

        >    sudo vi  /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf

The following needs to be edited (the @line is to show where the typical line number is for this setting)

@line 59
listen_addresses = '*'          # what IP address(es) to listen on;

@line 210
hot_standby = on                        # "on" allows queries during recovery

Here is the “why” for each as best as I have researched.
listen_addresses = '*'       

Listen to any incoming connection. 

hot_standy = on

Allows you to query, but not update the replication DB


Now the recovery.conf file must be created.   I am using Ubuntu 12.04 with a postgres 9.1 .The recovery.conf file needs to be in the data directory, as defined in postgresql.conf.  In my case that is “/var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main/”

So I copied the /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/recovery.conf.sample file to /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main/recovery.conf and open it for editing.

        >    cd  /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/
        >    cp recovery.conf.sample  /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main/recovery.
        >    sudo vi /database/postgresqldata/recovery.conf

The following needs to be edited (the @line is to show where the typical line number is for this setting)

@line 108
standby_mode = on

@line 110
primary_conninfo ='host= port=5432 user=postgres'

@line 124
trigger_file = '/home/nrathi/failover'

Here is an explanation of each of these

standby_mode = on

Just sets the standby mode to on


All the information for the replication(slave) server to connect to the primary (master) server.

if this file exists the server will stop being a replication server and start being a primary server.  It checks periodically for this file.

Fix ownership of files. (be very careful the chown command fire it as it is  )

        >  sudo chown -R postgres:postgres /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main/
        >  sudo chmod 700 /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main/recovery.

Now start the postgres database on the replication (slave) server

        >    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start

Now log into the database

        >    sudo su postgres
        >    psql -d postgres –U postgres

Then from postgres I ran the following commands

        >    \c nand
        >    select count(*) from data;
        >    select pg_last_xlog_receive_location();

And I can see that it is getting live data!  So that is it you now have a replication server.